Simon on Top Form! (John McCormack GP)
Following his recent fine form of 4th, 4th and 3rd Simon came one closer on Thur 14th June placing 2nd to Cass @ 15 sec in the Duane Delaney Memorial and then on Saturday got his much sought after win in the John McCormack Grand Prix. This win was witnessed by Club President,Johnny O’Sullivan who must have taken great pride in a Swords rider winning a race dedicated to the memory of his good friend and co-founder of Swords CC, John McCormack. Details of race to follow….in the meantime ask Johnny.
Report as promised: Ten miles to go, fifteen riders in front group incl Sean who was beginning to think maybe of a good result when the group split and left six riders incl Sean 200 metres adrift, scrambling to get back on. Now this group were all 40 secs ahead of main field. Next Simon comes by so fast they nearly got pneumonia on his own straight through to the leading nine. A great ride to cross 40 secs on his own and then proceed to embarrass the Usher team who had the numbers to out gun him. A great ride, no doubt the first of many. “As a man I once respected said, there is no substitute for speed.” Now where did I hear that before?