It’s O’Malley, no, it’s Rowan. Oh, it’s both of ’em.

John O’Malley and Tony Rowan. No, that’s not right… O’Malley Rowan and John Tony. Hmm, nope. One more try… Tony O’John and Rowan Malley. Christ, no matter what I do I just can’t separate these two. Joined at the hip, they are. Or maybe the handlebars. OK, maybe not, but certainly in TT prowess there was no difference between the pair with both putting a solid 1 minute into the next best, Derek Humphries.

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Tony O’Malley completing a 218km TT in aide of Molly McNally.

Toni Byrne was first woman and Frank Pierce was first junior.

The course was a 10 miler in Batterstown (where else?)

The only picture from that night is of this saddle bag and a bit of Derek Humphries’ leg. Phwoar!
