Prize Giving Night 2015
McNally Swords CC recently held the club AGM and prize giving night in Carnegie Court Hotel in Swords.
The night was much like any other AGM/Prize-giving night which we have had…
Are ye doin much a de trainin?
Ah ya know, gettin ouh fer a bit… doin some o dem turbo boosthah sessions
Turbo wha?
BOOOOOOOsthah… dey like… give ye a boost or sumtin
Oh righ’
Do ye have one o dem power meter tings?
A wha?
A power meter. If you don’t have one den you dont have any of de power
Better get me one o dem den.
Derek sells dem.
He sells everytin in dat shop.
Ye get a discount if yer a Swords member.
Ahn a coffee if he likes ye
No coffee fer me so
Ah why not
Are ye on de Strava?
Da wha?
De Straaaaaaaavaaaaaaaa. Its where ya put yer rides so every one on d’internet can see em.
Wha? Everyone on d’internet can see yer rides?
Feck… well… whatever yer into. Prefer de privacy mesel’. Don’t want people commentin on my performance or nuttin
Dey give ye a kudos if ye do well.
A shure might as well
Oh der doin the bit abou’ de money.
Is it dat Atkinson fella?
He has all de money.
Oh feck now dere doin de election bit
Look at de ground, don make eye contact
Ah ye big fool! Ye’re on de committee now ya spanner!
Ah one more I s’pose
Ah prizes now.
Look ah dem smug gits. I coulda won da.
No ya couldn’t.
A ye’re right, dem lot are too fast fer me. I just need te stop eatin and drinkin. Oh, look! Sausages!
Thank you to Brian Morrissey for the pictures.

Derek Humphries accepting the trophy for 1st place in the Club Championship race. Alan Kelly presented the prize.

Brendan Furey was first man in the Touring League, sponsored by Humphries Cycles. Joe Doyle made the presentation.

Slightly better. Tony O’Malley’s normal ice-cold killer look is betrayed by a slight upturn of the mouth as he accepts his prize as joint club 10 mile TT champion. John Rowan (not pictured) tied with him.

Stephen Cleary is not happy with only getting second in the “best arm tattoo” category. Next year, Stephen, next year.

Olivier Ansaldi collecting hist outstanding achievement award for completing Paris-Brest-Paris, an exhausting (and essentially non-stop) 1200 km ride. Chapheau.