Ladies Social Spin Saturday May 20th

What: Ladies sociable spin

Where: North Street Business Park Swords,

When: Saturday 20th May, departing at 9am

After the success of the recent ladies spin, Swords CC are organising a second spin on Saturday 20th May. The plan is to bike from Swords as a group, while more experienced riders will share tips with any newbies who wish to come along. No one will be left behind as we will ride to the pace of the slowest rider.

All abilities welcome. Any experienced riders who wish to assist (ladies and gents), let Bernie know.

What you will need:

· A road worthy bike with tyres pumped and chain oiled

· Comfortable clothes to suit the weather, including a rain jacket in your back pocket if required

· A helmet

· A energy/muesli bar or banana for your back pocket

· Money for coffee stop

· Water in your bottle

Note: Have a good breakfast before this spin!

Depart 9am and back in Swords before noon. If you don’t have a Cycling Ireland Licence, let Bernie know at the start of the spin so that you can sign on for the spin.