Club League Guidelines

The McNally Swords Cycling Club League is an annual League comprising of 20 events held on a Wednesday evening throughout the months of April, May, June, July and August.

The purpose of these races is to provide a platform for all members to improve their cycle racing to such an extent, that they are capable of entering “Open” races (races run on aNational and international level). Each race is run as a “CP” or Competitive Pace event, where riders of similar abilities are grouped together. The slowest group sets off first, followed by the next fastest group at an appropriate time gap. Typically there is aa maximum of 5 groups per race. The last group (The “scratch” Group”) consists of the fastest club members and sets off last.

The League also consists of timed Hill Climbs, a 10 Mile Time Trial and a 25 Mile Time Trial. The Club League has been held in North County Dublin and County Meath every year since 1986 on open roads and all races are fully marshalled by club members themselves.

All club events are governed by the rules and regulations of Cycling Ireland and all participants are expected to obey the rules of the road at all times. They also stipulate that all races and events have mandatory risk assessments. Child and vulnerable cyclists are covered by the Cycling Ireland code of practice.

Race Registration
All club league participants must register their intention to race at least 48 hours before each race. This is done via the club website using a link which will be made available before each race. As part of the registration process, each rider must agree to abide by the terms/conditions outlined in the Declaration of Awareness. A marshal briefing will take place before the commencement of the first race.

General Guidelines for all Marshals

  • Be courteous and civil to other road users at all times
  • Be visible – wear your hi-viz jacket and stand in a manner and point that competitors can see you
  • Be loud and clear – keep the instructions clear and audible
  • Point – a visual instruction is often better than a verbal one
  • Be aware of competitors and other road traffic coming from both directions
  • Do not be afraid to take any measure necessary to ensure the safety of individual and other competitors. YOU are in charge, not the competitor.
  • If you are aware of a breach of rules, note the race number of the offender and we will discuss it after. If you are clear on the rules, note the number and the suspected breach and review it with the chief steward after.
  • Beware of pets, kids, prams crossing the course.
  • Encourage – if all is well, give them a cheer!

Specific Guidelines for all Marshals

  • Be alert of first cyclists coming through.
  • Under no circumstances should a marshal explicitly seek to stop traffic.
  • The marshal’s primary responsibilities are rider safety and indicating the direction of the route.
  • Point and shout (very loud)the directions.
  • Red flag should be raised (NOT WAVED) when riders are approaching, to indicate to other road users that there is a hazard.
  • If the approaching vehicle stops, advise them that there’s an oncoming bunch, and would they mind waiting for a couple of minutes.
  • Be alert of first cyclists coming through.
  • If a vehicle is approaching a junction and is unlikely to stop, it is the marshal’s responsibility to indicate to the riders that they must stop.
  • Use slow down hand signals as required.
  • If time permits, communicate to the lead car via 2-way radio that the your junction is unsafe and that riders must slow or stop.
  • Refer any complaints or queries to the chief marshal, or the club secretary (

Notes for Riders

  • Rules of the road MUST be obeyed at all times.
  • Keep as close to the left hand side of the road as possible AT ALL TIMES.
  • Ride no more than 2 abreast at all times.
  • Do not cross a continuous white line.
  • Marshals will indicate direction of race route, but WILL NOT STOP TRAFFIC.
  • Breaking of any of these rules will result in sanctions (points deducted in league, mandatory marshal duty, etc).
  • This is our league, and we must police ourselves.
  • Do not be the person that screws it up for everyone.
  • Most importantly, have fun!

Race Night Program

  • Race registration closes 7pm sharp
  • Sign-on from 6.30pm – 7.00pm – All riders and marshals must sign the sign-on sheet at each race. (Sign-On Locations are marked on each circuit map)
  • Marshal briefing: 6.30pm
  • Marshals in place 6.50pm
  • Chief marshal inspects the course and gives clearance for the race to commence: 6.55pm
  • Race Start (Group 1): 7pm SHARP
  • Group 2: 7.05pm (May very depending on circuit handicap)
  • Group 3: 7.10pm (May very depending on circuit handicap)
  • Group 4: 7.15pm (May very depending on circuit handicap)
  • Group 5: 7.20pm (May very depending on circuit handicap)
  • Race Finish: 9pm (no later than)
  • The length of each race varies, but no race lasts longer than one and a half hours